Sunday, January 30, 2011


This happened last year; soon we'll see this year's results.

By the way, did you see The Hurt Locker? Did the Academy's decision had something to do with it? I guess so. Anyway, there are many good films from all over the world that are worth seeing and don't get any awards. Plenty of towns have small theaters where you can enjoy gorgeous non-mainstream movies in their original language. Search for them.

Barbara Streisand presents the Directing Award for The Hurt Locker to Kathryn Bigelow: 

In case you wish to read as you listen to  Kathryn Bigelow's speech:

1 comment:

ned said...

This movie is such a good movie, we watched it in a history class, and i think this is one of my fav movies now. Full of action and violence. For people that can't take emotional movies well, this could be emotional. Shows people of how strong are military is, and how they are willing to die for us... I believe everyone should watch this movie writing critique