Saturday, July 16, 2011


Well, THE HORRORS have a brand new album out this week. Many fans are saying that this band reminds them of the likes of Joy Division or Echo and the Bunnymen. It this were so, that's not a bad influence. Anyhow, rock wasn't born last yesterday and no band in the world starts from scratch.

Can you imagine a love poem written by a contemporary poet that doesn't remind you of other thousands of poems written throughout the previous centuries? Will the XXIInd century bands remind their listeners of other bands? Will rock still be?

I think that the same thing happens when you say "I Love You". It makes sense to you and you don't care about other people having said it before. It's your moment and you have to live it. And when your girl or boyfriend hears the love words, will she or he think they aren't true because they have heard them many times before? Long live rock!

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