Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Benicolet - Cuter Than You Might Have Thought -

Well well well, we can't complain. Foggy countryside (sometimes snowy and very often frosty), an amazing parish church, and a couple of examples of local architecture which tell us that out here the centuries can exist side by side. I hope they do for ever and ever.


Admin said...

Bé, bé... i què em de dir de Benicolet... doncs és això, Benicolet. Com va Joan? Sóc l'Aaron, em donaves classes a Benigànim i era bessó de Joan, una gràcia veure't per aquest món virtual.


Gabriel Prats said...

mi familia viene de Benicolet, estube ahi en 1977 cuando era un chiquet como decia mi abuelo, recuerdo las casa con cortinas en lugar de puertas y el cementerio co todods los Genaro Prats que seran mis bis y tatarabuelos.
Un saludo desde California

Gabriel Prats

Teresa said...

Hey, I'm trying to practice my english and I found your blog :-)

Unknown said...

Familar sights now. Strange to have lived in Paris and now in Benicolet. What a contrast of languages and cultures.

Joan Climent said...

Hi there Fakhfakhina(Aaron). I'm never late for anything but for blogging. I'm glad I met you on the Net and hope we meet LIVE soon. Cheers, Joan. (Still enjoying the Rock Dreams book?)

Joan Climent said...

Dear Gabriel,
I don't know anything about you or your relatives yet. The village you remember has has long gone for good, but the cemetery remains and there are many PRATS. If you helped me out, I could let you know how are things going on out here.
Ready to give you a hand,
Joan Climent.

Joan Climent said...

Hello there Teresa,
I'm glad to hear my fellow teachers are interested in learning English, which by the way is a rather easy language.
I've visited your lovelu blog and I'll pay more visits, I'm sure. Hope to hear from you.

Joan Climent said...

Dear (hidden bloger or no blogger)Edmar. Thanks very much for your comments.
Let me tell you that once up on a time there was a British band called TEN CC who sang 'ONE NIGHT IN PARIS IS LIKE A YEAR IN ANY OTHER PLACE'. I must have spent about 400 so far, but sometimes sleeping is not living and Paris is quite weird as to how to make the most of it. Or are we perhaps?
These days I'd rather live in the country and be able to travel around. Anyhow Benicolet is just 15km from the seaside and has 2 international airports less than 1hour away.

Joan Climent said...

Sorry about the spelling mistakes: Teresa, LOVELU should read LOVELY.
Edmar, the BLOGER should read BLOGGER, obviously.